Our staff in Germany are experiencing a mini-revival at the moment! Some time ago, they had a scheduled baptism service for three people. However, when asked at the worship service a day earlier if there were others who had accepted Jesus and wanted to be baptized, six more people professed their faith. So, unexpectedly, there were nine people going into the water. Among those baptized were people of different ages (from 18 through about 70), from different countries, Jewish and Gentiles, with German, Russian, Ukrainian, French, and Spanish languages represented. There was much joy and praise.
After that baptism service, several other people approached our staff member telling him that they believe in Yeshua. So they had another baptism service for them just four weeks later.
Lastly, during an evangelism training program in Berlin, there was an average of five people a day accepting Jesus as their Savior and praying in His name! Our staff person said, “I remember something similar in the 1990s. But nothing like this has happened here for the last two decades. Praise the Lord! A new beginning? New revival? I believe so!”