Adam* is a Jewish believer who came to Messiah a few years ago while on the phone with one of our missionaries, and another of our missionaries has had a relationship with him throughout the pandemic by phone. A few weeks ago, Adam called our staff member and told him that just moments before the phone call, he had been playing Russian roulette when the Lord led him to call our missionary, who was able to help Adam refocus his thoughts on Christ, which helped make a big difference. The challenges Adam was facing were not going to suddenly resolve themselves, and he was holding himself to blame for every mistake he had ever made, and it was overwhelming him. Our staff reminded him that because of the finished work on the cross, Jesus made it possible to move forward from every mistake and every error.
Adam made a commitment to look ahead while learning from the mistakes he made, which is ultimately what we are all called to do. He told our missionary he would put the gun away and trust in Jesus, but Adam needs our prayers. We never know how just being a part of someone’s life may have eternal consequences.
*Name changed