One of our missionary families participates in a ministry to drug addicts and prostitutes in Tel Aviv, and this work has come to bear fruit in the Kingdom! One victory story is about Natan,* who left the street about a year ago, checked into a discipleship center, became a believer, and was baptized! Please pray for him to continue growing in the Lord. Another story is about Miriam,* who after many months of being touched by our staff’s friendship, finally opened up and connected to our staff member who shared her own testimony and the gospel. While Miriam has yet to embrace Jesus, a real bond was formed between the two ladies, and the Lord is at work! We are often reminded how, in Jesus’ ministry, it was the “tax collectors and prostitutes” who believed before some of the more respected and educated citizens (see Matthew 21:31-32). Please pray for Miriam’s salvation.
*Names changed