Recently, several Jewish people who do not yet believe in Jesus began attending a Messianic congregation where one of our missionaries is the congregational leader. This alone is amazing, as they are coming of their own accord, with an obvious interest in learning more about our faith in Messiah Yeshua.
One man, Levi (name changed), was sharing his story with our missionary. He said, “I am this close to believing that Yeshua is the Messiah. I have a million questions, but it feels right in my heart.” Our staff member, trying to contain his joy and excitement for the man, calmly said, “Questions are good. Let us talk more. But for now, from one Jewish man to another—you are going the right way.”
God is using the staff at Chosen People Ministries to reach non-Jewish people as well. At a recent speaking engagement at a church in North Carolina, our missionary shared a Messiah in the Passover message, and following the service, six people put their faith in Yeshua! The pastor said it was the largest response in one service that he has seen in his time leading the church. What a remarkable blessing!