álat_fortepan_25367.jpg13392048cpm 16:01:402021-01-20 15:54:38That My Children May Remember: A Missionary Braves the Holocaust 11:56:592021-04-05 17:55:58From A Hospital Bed – A Testimony 11:33:152021-03-19 14:39:34Christmas Party for Germany Refugees 17:55:342019-12-10 17:55:34Christmas with Israelis in Brazil! 17:45:222020-01-28 18:02:29A Final Warning Against Apostasy 17:23:132020-12-18 12:53:56Why Was It Important That God Came In The Flesh? 16:47:512020-12-18 12:57:09The Incarnation & Virgin Birth: Truth or Heresy 15:26:342020-12-18 12:35:59Christmas Through Jewish Eyes: The Promise of a King 14:09:122019-12-11 14:38:482019 December Newsletter – Celebrate Messiah
Dear friends,
I never expected the months after the joy-filled celebration of our 125th year would take us from the highest mountaintop to the lowest plane in such a short time. The changes from July 2019 to June 2020 are unimaginable! And we have yet to reach our next normal.
Last July began a tremendously promising fiscal year. Here are a few of our successful 125th-anniversary celebration events:
Bible conferences in North Carolina, Maryland, California, and Wisconsin
Shalom New York, our most extensive evangelistic outreach to date
125th-anniversary finale with a Heritage Tour and Banquet at Grand Prospect Hall in Brooklyn
A seminar at which three secular Jewish scholars, along with some of our staff, presented historical papers on the “Life and Times of Leopold Cohn”
At the beginning of the spring coronavirus outbreak, most of us still had little idea of how the virus would impact New York City, and what it would do to our ministry, the economy, and all of the ramifications we have been experiencing since then. Thankfully, we were already using Zoom and online platforms for administrative work and evangelism.
We had a Jewish man come to faith through one of our Brooklyn congregation’s first online services. We have also had several other Jewish people come to the Lord due to our Zoom Bible studies, services, and online evangelistic campaigns.
Like many organizations, we:
Quickly set up routines and processes to work from home
Established several task forces to consider new ways of getting things done and maximizing the lessons we have learned during the pandemic
Are studying longer-term issues, as this pause provides us with the opportunity to reflect upon the work we do and the way we do it
We anticipate resuming our services, Bible studies, and in-person meetings slowly. However, we will repopulate our offices with three imperatives in mind—we must do it legally, safely, and according to what is most necessary for the work.
Still, Your Mission to the Jewish People has been incredibly busy! We have compiled a summary of our accomplishments since last summer and during this difficult time, which you can read by clicking here.
Your Mission to the Jewish People has continued our evangelism and outreach efforts. We want you to know what has been going on:
Online Conferences held this year:
April 7 — Messiah in the Passover / 7,099 views
April 13 — Staff Town Hall / 114 views
April 22 — Donor Teleconference / 8,218 callers
April 22 — Eschatology Survey / 20,913 views
May 18-19 — Craig Keener Webinar / 5,406 views
June 5 — Music for the Mishpocha / 8,623 views
Many people viewed the ministry- wide “virtual” Messiah in the Passover demonstration. We also know of about fifty churches who showed the video to their congregants. The Zoom roll out of our Eschatology survey of 1,000 Evangelical pastors and our Bible conference with Dr. Craig Keener, the current president of the Evangelical Theological Society, were high points.
House of Living Waters
In September 2019, we initiated our new “residential” outreach near the New York University campus in Manhattan. Four young men lived in a rented apartment and ministered on campus during the past year. We received a two-year grant of $140,000 per year for this endeavor, so we will continue in the fall of 2021!
Youth Camps and Programs
Teen Winter Camp—Kesher Ice held in Maryland / 38 participants
Teen Outreach New York City— Kesher New York / 15 participants
The Charles L. Feinberg Seminary
We began offering courses by Zoom, enabling those who could not move to Brooklyn to take classes. We will continue to do this as well as provide more standard types of online, asynchronous classes. The total number of matriculating Feinberg students (including recent graduates) is 18.
Church Ministries & Missionaries
Our ministry in churches is uncertain for the moment, as we have yet to see how many churches will reopen and want us to come and preach as planned this fall.
This fiscal year, our missionaries completed only 501 church meetings (as compared to 1,144 meetings last year) that raised only $272,000. As a result, we anticipate a total annual loss of revenue of $400,000 ($350,000 from the Passover season alone). Your generous support today can help alleviate this burden.
Missionaries in the Field
US – raising support (paid) 72
US – raising support (unpaid) 6
Foreign – raising support 44
Foreign – deployed from US 13
International Centers
Argentina (2) (owned by CPMUS)
Jerusalem (owned by CPMUS)
Ramat Gan (rented by CPMUS)
Domestic Ministries Centers
Brooklyn Messianic Center
Manhattan Messianic Center
Boynton Beach Messianic Center
Chicago Kedzie Messianic Center
Domestic Congregations (8)
Sha’ar Adonai (Manhattan)
Bet Sar Shalom (Brooklyn)
Son of David (MD)
Kehilat Sar Shalom (Northern VA)
Beit Hesed (Chicago/Russian)
Yeshua Ben David (Pittsburgh, PA)
Shuvah Yisrael (Orange County, CA)
2019 Gala and Celebration in the Grand Prospect Hall, Brooklyn, NY
This online concert drew several thousand people.
Digital Campaigns
The ministry advertised the Isaiah 53 Campaign, I Found Shalom testimo- nies, and free booklet giveaways or downloads on Facebook. In response, we received approximately 79,806 con- tacts since last July.
Hebrew Isaiah 53 Campaign in Israel had 1,395 book requests
Jewish Believers: 86
Jewish Unbelievers: 1,158
Gentile Believers: 111
Gentile Unbelievers: 40
Video Testimonies
We now have 105 testimonies online at, which have been watched more than 3,000,000 times on all of our platforms.
Our Hope Podcast
A weekly podcast is now available called Our Hope ( There have been more than 7,000 downloads to date.
Digital and Social Media
Our social media channels are very active and include YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, blogs, and videos that cross a variety of platforms.
We are developing Beth Sar Shalom, a stage one outreach site, and are still working on Follow Messiah, a second-stage seeker site and Chosen People Answers. ❤
To find new and creative ways to preach the gospel
Raise up a new generation of workers for the Jewish harvest—especially through our Charles L. Feinberg Messianic Jewish Studies program in Brooklyn, New York.
Reach the harder-to-reach members of the global Jewish community.
Remind the Church of God’s promises to the Jewish people and of the divine mandate to reach Jewish people with the gospel.
Encourage prayer for the salvation of Israel throughout the global Church.
Oppose antisemitism and encourage prayer for the peace of Jerusalem, support for the nation of Israel and all her inhabitants.
Encourage prayer for the salvation of Israel throughout the global Church.
Save the Dates: Finding Hope in Israel’s High Holy Days
For the first time ever, we will have three online high holy day services.
Registration will open in just a few weeks, but save the dates!
That My Children May Remember: A Missionary Braves the Holocaust
From A Hospital Bed – A Testimony
Christmas Party for Germany Refugees
Persian Jewish Woman Hears About Peace
Christmas with Israelis in Brazil!
A Final Warning Against Apostasy
Why Was It Important That God Came In The Flesh?
The Incarnation & Virgin Birth: Truth or Heresy
Christmas Through Jewish Eyes: The Promise of a King
2019 December Newsletter – Celebrate Messiah