Recently, Toby, a Brooklyn staff member, met Esther,* an Iranian Jewish woman, during street evangelism. The theme of that day was, “I Found Shalom,” so Toby wrote, “Do you have peace in your life?” on the whiteboard display. Esther was walking by the table and the question caught her attention. After some introductions, Esther shared that she had lost two close family members within the past year. She was struggling with her loss and it made her think about life and what our purpose is while we are here on earth. Toby told her that he was so sorry to hear about her family member passing and that it must be a very difficult season for her, then offered to pray for her, which she accepted. Afterwards, Toby, asked if he could give her a Bible and if she was interested in following up with a female missionary. Esther accepted the Bible even though she said she was not very religious and provided her contact information so someone could follow up with her. Please pray we have a fruitful follow up with Esther and that she will be open to hearing more about the gospel!