One of our Ukrainian-born Jewish missionaries has been working twenty hours a day helping people in Ukraine since the invasion of Russia. You may be not aware, but there were about 15,000 Israelis living in Ukraine before the invasion began. When the sky over Ukraine closed due to the war, it became extremely difficult to evacuate people. They had to stand in line in terrible icy conditions for thirty, forty, or even as many as fifty hours just to cross the border, often with small children in their arms. Millions of Ukrainians have become refugees. In cooperation with Christians in Poland, our missionary was able to evacuate more than one hundred people in the first week of the war. At the same time, he has been in constant connection with The Jewish Agency, who has given him the names and locations of people in need of help. We are assisting them to find lodging in Lviv in western Ukraine. Local churches are partnering with our team there as well. In just the first couple of days, these churches provided places to stay for seventy people.
Our staff member receives daily phone calls from Germany, Poland, Slovakia, and West Ukraine—everyday people are ready to provide food, finances, transportation, and legal assistance. He has never seen such unity among Christians of all denominations helping both Jews and Gentiles to escape the atrocities of the war.
Please!!! Pray for the end of this war.
Pray for the refugees!
Pray for us to have strength to help people.
Pray for peace in Ukraine and Jerusalem.