Is Jesus the Jewish Messiah?
Answering Common Jewish Objections.
Dear friend in the Messiah,
Shalom in His grace. Every October we produce an evangelistic newsletter that you can share with your Jewish friends. The title of this year’s newsletter is pretty straightforward – Is Jesus the Jewish Messiah? and subtitled: Answering Common Jewish Objections.
I believe that the number one reason why Jewish people do not believe in Yeshua (Jesus) is because they believe they would no longer be Jewish if they accept Him. Of course, nothing can be further from the truth! When a Jewish person becomes a believer in Yeshua, he or she is simply embracing the Messiah we have been waiting for over thousands of years. Our Scriptures and tradition teach us that every Jewish person in the world should follow Him when He comes.
Chosen People Ministries was founded in 1894 by Rabbi Leopold Cohn, a native of Hungary. Rabbi Cohn traveled to the United States to seek a better life for himself and his family. He heard a sermon by a Polish Messianic Jew who was preaching the Good News of the Messiah at a Dutch Reformed Church in Manhattan. After months of discussing the Scriptures with this preacher, Rabbi Cohn accepted Yeshua as his Messiah.
He was ostracized in his Jewish community and even his wife threatened to leave him. However, God was merciful and she also came to know Yeshua as her Messiah. Together, Rabbi Cohn and his wife traveled back to Brooklyn where they established the work of Chosen People Ministries, which I have the privilege of leading today.
I am so grateful that someone took the time to speak with Rabbi Cohn about Yeshua and patiently answered his questions. I meet many Jewish people who have questions about God, the Messiah, and the Bible. I enjoy engaging in these conversations. Like the wonderful man who answered Rabbi Cohn’s questions, at Chosen People Ministries we really have all the time in the world to speak with or write to anyone seeking the truth.
We want to help you share the Gospel because we know that God is going to use you powerfully in the lives of the family and friends you love and pray for. If you send us the name of your Jewish friend – we will send them a free copy of this wonderfully evangelistic newsletter. If you would like extra copies, please let us know. Click here, or call 212-223-2252 and just ask!
I Found Shalom
We have produced more than 60 Messianic Jewish video testimonies that you will find on the website, We are doing testimonies in French, Spanish, Russian, and recently created one of our video testimonies in the Yiddish language! This site is a wonderful tool that you can use in sharing the Gospel with your Jewish friends that provides living examples of Messianic Jews from every walk of life who know and love the Lord.
Each video testimony costs $2,000 because we are creating these testimonies in partnership with another ministry. If not for their incredible editing and production skills, it would cost a lot more.
As you can see, Your Mission to the Jewish People is doing all we can to reach out in creative ways to reach Jewish people with the Gospel. You know that we cannot do this without your prayers and financial support. Would you pray about sponsoring a testimony this month? Or even part of a testimony? Please consider sending a gift this month to help us produce Messianic Jewish testimonies for the I Found Shalom Campaign.
Warmly in our Messiah,
President, Chosen People Ministries
P.S. For your gift of $50 or more we would like to send you our Messianic Jewish Art Calendar. It is filled with beautiful pictures of the Holy Land – you will love it!
“For your gift of $50 or more we would like to send your our newest Messianic Jewish Art Calendar. This year’s calendar celebrates the 70th anniversary of the nation of Israel. Each month will greet you with a breathtaking photo of a different aspect of Israeli life, a relevant word of Scripture, and an encouraging thought about Messiah’s promise to His people.”
I Found Shalom – Sam Nadler
I Found Shalom – Valerie Cymes
I Found Shalom – Matt Kaplan
Why Has Christianity Treated the Jewish People So Poorly If Jesus Is the Messiah?
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