My name is Oksana. I attend Beth Sar Shalom Congregation in Brooklyn, New York. Ever since I came to the Lord five years ago, I have had the desire to serve Jewish people. I remember I had a moment when I was a young believer—I was praying and I said to the Lord, “Lord, I want to know your heart.” I remember at that moment, it just came, something like a burden, like a deep pain and I realized it was for Jewish people.
I remember when I first walked into the congregation. My friend invited me, and I had just moved to Brooklyn from Queens. My new apartment was two blocks away. The next week I came to congregation when it was opening, and I felt that I was home. It was something new, it was peace. When I went to regular church, I remember there was a feeling of expectation, like there is going to be loud music and it is going to be great—there will be something that is going to lift my emotions and I’m going to feel this happiness. When I came here it was different. It was quiet, it was peaceful—it was really shalom.
Oksana is a Ukrainian believer who works in the fashion industry.