Larry and Fran Feldman
West Coast Regional Director
serving in Orange County
Larry was born and raised in a conservative Jewish home in Philadelphia, PA. He is married to Fran, also a Jewish believer. The Feldmans have two daughters, Rachel and Rebekah. Larry put his trust in the Messiah in 1972 and attended Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois. He then graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Th.M. in Semitic Languages and Old Testament Studies. He was elected to the National Dean’s List (a national honors organization), is recorded in Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities, and was awarded his Master of Theology degree from the seminary with highest honors.
Since joining Chosen People Ministries in 1974, Larry has pastored a Messianic congregation in Brooklyn, New York, and planted congregations in New Jersey, Connecticut, and the Philadelphia suburbs. Larry’s many experiences with Chosen People Ministries have included evangelism, door-to-door visitation, distribution of literature, and speaking in churches to help educate believers in witnessing to the Jewish people. He has been active in leading and participating in various Messianic singing groups, acted as Area Director for Northern New Jersey, and as camp director for Chosen People Ministries’ successful children’s camp program. “My greatest joy, ” says Larry, “is seeing Jewish people come to know the Lord, and then grow in their faith!” He and his family currently reside and minister in Irvine, California where he has planted and is currently leading Shuva Yisrael (Return O Israel), a Messianic Jewish congregation.
Larry’s Topics
- Messiah in the Passover
- Why Jews Don’t Believe in Jesus
- “To the Jew First!” -The need for Jewish Evangelism
- God’s Appointed Times: The Feasts of Israel
- How to talk to your Jewish friend about the Messiah
- Hanukkah