Maxim Katz
Maxim was born in Siberia, Russia in 1976 into a normal Jewish family. Due to a problem at birth, he was unable to walk until he was 9 years old, which made his childhood very difficult, especially with regard to making friends with other children. Upon reaching adulthood, he became very attracted to the world. Money became more and more the goal of his life. Maxim thought that through money he could gain true worth. There came a point when he understood that he would no longer be able to continue as before, so Maxim decided to make a new life in a new country and immigrated to Israel. He came to Eilat in the south of Israel with other immigrants from Siberia. But instead of finding a new life, he quickly found himself with the same kinds of friends as before.
However, God was calling Maxim, even though he didn’t know He existed. Through godly believers in Eilat, Maxim heard that there was a God who loved him. Going nowhere on his own, he prayed and asked for God’s help. Still, life became more difficult and he ended up on the streets. One day, he remembered his prayer, and knew God alone could help. These wonderful believers discipled him and he grew tremendously in the Lord. Eventually, God called Maxim to serve Him full-time. He has been serving with Chosen People Ministries since 2002 in Jerusalem – teaching Bible studies, assisting the Director of the work in Israel, and sharing the good news of Messiah with all that are willing to hear.