Many highly educated Christian leaders have nobly put forth their efforts in showing up the folly of the Higher Critics, and the hieroglyphics on the tablets and monuments of the East have been some of their chief proofs. But they have all missed using against them, one of the most powerful explosives known, and that is, the Jewish nation.
The critics can chew the cud on the dead leaves of Isaiah or Jonah, but let them try and chew the living and everlasting nation, the Jews, and they are likely to break all their teeth on them. Let every Higher Critic bump his head against this highest monument the world has ever had and so lose his brain and be forgotten forever.
The history of the Jews was not, like that of other nations, written after it had occurred, but thousands of years in advance. Let the Higher Critics explain why that history, which was once prophecy, is being literally carried out now as well as a thousand years ago. The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Jews are the two mighty monuments witnessing for the truth of the Lord and His Anointed beyond any human refutation.