- We are thrilled with the results of our online Isaiah 53 campaigns: We have distributed more than 150,000 of the Isaiah 53 Explained books
in more than a dozen languages.
- Our outreach keeps growing in North America: We are now serving in most cities in North America with a Jewish population of more than 100,000.
- Our training of new workers is also growing through our Charles Feinberg Messianic Jewish Studies program in Brooklyn.
- The work across Israel is growing as well: We celebrated the nation’s 70th anniversary with a Bible conference (and 600 friends who came for tours and ministry). Our ministries continue to bear fruit, especially among the younger generation and in our work among Holocaust survivors.
I am grateful to the Lord who called us into this great work and to those who serve with Chosen People Ministries. I also want to extend my thanks to our Board of Directors, volunteers, and to faithful supporters like you.
I hope you will be encouraged by what you read, and rejoice with us in God’s work at this strategic time in history. We look forward to 2019 and the 125th anniversary of our faithful ministry among the Jewish people!
Click here to see what God has been doing.