Equipping a New Generation for Jewish Evangelism

Dear friend,

May I tell you a little bit about one of our great former presidents, Dr. Daniel Fuchs, who was one of my heroes in the faith?

Dr. Fuchs led Chosen People Ministries as Missions Director from 1955 until 1974, then as President from 1974 until 1979. He then served as Chairman of the Board of Directors from 1979 until 1991. It was under his watch that I became a believer, and most of my early discipleship came through staff missionaries associated with Chosen People Ministries appointed by Dr. Fuchs to share the Gospel in the San Francisco Bay area – where I was saved.

It was through Dr. Fuchs that I received a scholarship to go to Bible college in the early 1970s. In fact, I still remember that very awkward moment when I walked into his office and saw Dr. Fuchs behind a big desk. That was frightening for a 19-year-old Jewish kid who had just accepted Jesus – but he was so warm, and his wife greeted me so pleasantly. I left with a scholarship and great encouragement to serve the Lord among our people.

A Burden for Training New Missionaries

Dr. Fuchs had a burden for training workers to reach Jewish people for Jesus. This has “rubbed off” on me! We believe in training God-called missionaries to reach Jewish people for the Lord! Dr. Fuchs was also a dear friend of Dr. Charles Feinberg, who was the first Dean of the Talbot School of Theology, a part of Biola University in the Los Angeles area. As you know, our building in Brooklyn will be used to house the Charles Feinberg Program for Messianic Jewish Studies, which offers a fully-accredited Master of Divinity degree through Talbot, but is located in the heart and soul of Jewish America – Brooklyn.

We teach current and future workers among the Jewish people to study the Bible effectively. We teach Greek, Hebrew, theology, Bible, and both pastoral and Jewish studies. It usually takes three or four years for someone to graduate, but by the time they do, they are well-equipped both to share the Word of God with Jewish believers and to disciple those who have already put their trust in Jesus the Messiah.

Crossing the Brooklyn Bridge

The school is currently operating in Manhattan and will move to Brooklyn when the building is fully renovated. Just think of the opportunities the students will have to share the Gospel with the almost 900,000 Jewish people of Brooklyn during their time at the Feinberg Center!

As you can imagine, New York City is an expensive place to live. These young people are missionaries raising support who often do not have the full support of their families. We are happy to provide this specialized seminary education at a significantly reduced cost, so that these future missionaries to the Jewish people do not have to take on student debt.

So far, by God’s grace, Biola’s generosity and your faithful support, we have been successful – we have had more than a dozen graduates and almost none of them have student debt! It’s my joy to invite you to partner with us in securing the future of Jewish evangelism by training a new generation of missionaries to the Jewish people.

Darlene Line:
“The Feinberg Center has equipped me with the ability to share the truth of God’s Word with our Jewish friends through the revelations in the Tenach (Old Testament).”
Robert Walter:
“The Feinberg Center has broadened and enhanced my vision for Jewish missions, both personally and for the entire body of believers. I now have what I need to contribute to the Kingdom in a greater way.”
Brian Crawford:
“I used to be quite intimidated by Hebrew, but after my time at Feinberg, I am able to hold my own in evangelistic conversations using the Hebrew text of Scripture.”
Racheal Ndei:
“Attending the Feinberg Center allowed me to have a deeper understanding of the Word of God. He used and continues to use this program to mold me into the person that He created me to be. “

The Daniel Fuchs Memorial Fund

The Daniel Fuchs Memorial Fund is designed to help missionaries with their training, especially those raising their support and attending the Feinberg Center. May I give you a couple of specifics as to where you can invest in the future of Jewish evangelism?

$25,000 for Work-Study Programs

We provide work for some of the students, so that they can pay their bills while attending seminary. They do direct ministry, coordinate short-term outreaches, and perform other vital tasks in the ministry.

We need $25,000 to help pay these young people for the work they are doing.

$50,000 for Housing Subsidies

Secondly, we need your help in underwriting the housing of some of the students who have families. We want to make sure that we are able to provide this basic necessity. Our housing subsidy for this year is about $50,000.

$100,000 for Underwriting Under-Supported Missionaries

Additionally, we are praying that the Lord would provide $100,000 to help subsidize new missionaries raising their support. Many of the students at the Center are young missionaries with families who need our help in raising their support packages. It is our hope that by the time they graduate, they will enter the mission field with solid training, no debt, and with their support raised. Our goal is to make sure that these precious new workers are ready to go and to serve the Lord for the rest of their lives among the Jewish people – until Messiah comes!

Will you help us equip these young men and women for a long and bright future of service for the Lord among the Jewish people?

I believe that Daniel Fuchs is smiling in the presence of the Lord as his legacy of training new workers for the field of Jewish evangelism continues! Would you help me pass along this great legacy to a new generation?

I am getting more and more excited about the completion of our Brooklyn Messianic Center. We are making great progress and we plan to dedicate the building during a seven-day event beginning on September 18, which is during the week of the Festival of Tabernacles (Sukkot).

Thank you for your generosity and prayers.

Blessings in our Messiah,


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