A LEARNED JEW CONVERTED (from our Archives)
Vol. 2 NOVEMBER 1896 No. 2
Among the large, and eager crowds that flock to No. 17 Ewen St., there came a learned Jew. He had been told by some Jews how the missionary proved from the Bible that Jesus, the Crucified One, is the Messiah. As a matter of course, this learned son of Abraham, in his blindness, laughed at the very idea and said, “That missionary must be very ignorant of our Scriptures.”
“Well,” said the Jews to him, “come Wednesday evening and expose his ignorance, and then the Jews will stop listening to the preaching of one who does not know the Bible.”
The first evening, this man acted like a crazy person. He put a question, and before I had finished the answer, he jumped up again to his feet with another query. The New Testament was a book yet unknown to him. We advised him to take a copy and read it carefully. The next Wednesday evening, he came with a sheet of paper full of written questions; their number was legion. The Lord gave us always the right answer.
Satan was defeated and Jesus was victorious.
After a month’s wrestling, the scales fell from his eyes, and he came to the Mission a changed man. He told us how he came the first time, what he heard, and what he thought. “Now,” said he, “I have no
longer questions in my brains, but a
heart full of burning love to my
Saviour Jesus, who is the Son of God.”