In April, our staff members in Moscow celebrated the feast of Passover. Despite some restrictions due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, they celebrated this wonderful holiday with a small circle of congregational members. This year, two elderly Jewish ladies, Olga* and Esty,* whom our staff members help with medicine, decided to join us. As usual, the Passover Seder, a traditional Jewish feast, was held in a very traditional manner. The main and central character featured at our festive table was Jesus the Messiah. We remembered His suffering on Calvary’s cross, His sacrifice of redemption for all mankind, and His resurrection.
The guests sat and listened attentively, but when the traditional Jewish Passover songs began, Olga took our staff member’s hand and, crying softly, she said that the whole Passover ceremony reminded her of her childhood, when she celebrated Passover with her whole family. It was very touching. Olga’s heart opened up to hear about the most important thing of her life—eternal salvation through faith in Jesus—and she gladly accepted Him into her life. Please pray for these wonderful women, Olga and Esty, that the Lord will continue to work in their hearts.