We Salvage Refugees in America (from our Archives)

March 1940 Vol. 45, No. 6

Quite a number of Jewish Christian refugees from Germany come to our Mission soon after their arrival in New York. They have letters of recommendation from our friends abroad, asking us to care for them. As a rule they face difficult problems. When they reach the shores of America they are absolutely without means; all they were allowed to take with them from Germany was 10 Marks, $4.00. In most cases they have affidavits from their Jewish relatives, and they expect to stay with them. But sooner or later the immigrants, if they are believers in the Lord Jesus, find it practically impossible to live with their relatives. They cannot read the Bible in their homes; they are not allowed to talk with them about the Saviour. In other words, there is a great gulf which separates them from their people; and so we have the opportunity to help them. We help them to rent a room with a Christian family, and we also support them until they are able to earn their own livelihood. However, the financial help which they receive from us is not the main thing. We also give them the Bread of Life in our regular meetings and in the special German Bible Classes, which we recently established for German refugees.