The Charles L. Feinberg Center
The Charles Feinberg Messianic Center in Brooklyn was dedicated in September 2013. It is located in the heart of Brooklyn’s one-million-strong Jewish population, which contains Jewish people of many different religious and ethnic backgrounds. Outreach activities include a Messianic Shabbat fellowship, prayer and Bible study meetings in English and Russian, English as a Second Language classes, and cultural events that invite people to become involved in the life of the Center.
Staff Members
Rich F. was raised in a Jewish family in Newton, Massachusetts. In college, a young man shared the Good News about Jesus with him and challenged him to read the Hebrew prophets. After reading Isaiah 53, Rich realized that Jesus was Israel’s promised Messiah…read more
Dr. Gregory Hagg and his wife, Linda, have been sharing their faith with Jewish people for over 35 years. After completing his seminary work at Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M.) and additional graduate work in Hebrew and Judaic studies at New York University (M.A. and Ph.D.)…read more
Robert and Joanna Walter are missionaries to the Jewish people serving with Chosen People Ministries in Brooklyn, NY. While neither one of them is Jewish, God laid a heavy burden on their hearts to share Jesus with His chosen people…read more
Klaudia Zhelezny is an immigrant from Kiev, Ukraine. She grew up as an atheist yet realized that the Soviet government was morally and spiritually bankrupt. When her son turned 18, Klaudia and her family decided to move to America, but the law obliged all young men of 18 to go into the Army…read more
Juan Corrales is a missionary to the Jewish people currently serving in Brooklyn, New York. Growing up in a Christian home, a deep love for God, His Word, and His people was instilled in him from a very early age. He grew up convinced that, because Israel and the Jewish people are important to God, they should be important to all believers…read more
Gordon Law was saved when he was studying International Business at a university in Hong Kong. He has been connected with Chosen People Ministries since 1999. In the year 2000, he went to study for a Jewish studies program at the Moody Bible Institute…read more
D.N. is a missionary with Chosen People Ministries serving in Brooklyn, New York. She grew up in a Mennonite home in the Midwest as the daughter of a pastor who loved the Jewish people and instilled that love in his children. Coming to faith at a very early age, she and her family became heavily involved in prison ministry…read more