Do pain and suffering mean God is punishing us?
Did you ever have a bad day? What if all your bad days took place on the same day of the year?
Judaism has such a day! Tisha B’Av (the ninth day of the Hebrew month Av) is a day where many tragedies befell the Jewish people throughout history. While some might take this as a sign of God’s judgment on the Jewish people, the truth is many of us have to deal with tragedy and negative circumstances. Why does God allow them? What would God want to communicate to the Jewish people, and to us, through this sad holiday?
This summer, representatives from Chosen People Ministries will be in your area sharing about Tisha B’Av and answering the tough questions we ask like:
- Why does God allow pain and suffering in the lives of His people?
- Do pain and suffering mean God is punishing us?
- Do repeated difficult circumstances mean God has taken away His promises to us?
Chosen People Ministries has been reaching the Jewish people with the Gospel and teaching churches like yours through our powerful presentations for over 120 years! We don’t have space to put down all of the positive comments we have had from churches but click here to see some comments from major Christian leaders.
Our representatives are willing and available to share this amazing presentation with your church, asking only for help with travel, overnight lodging (if necessary), and a love offering. Most of our representatives have had significant biblical training and experience in sharing their faith with Jewish people. For more information or to schedule a presentation, fill out the information below and one of our representatives will get in touch with you soon.