At the end of his rope—he found your hands reaching out to him
Daniel* was drowning in hopelessness and guilt! He struggled with alcoholism and crippling shame for the horrible behavior to which it had driven him . . . and he saw no way out for himself.
“The only law of Moses I haven’t transgressed is thou shalt not murder,” he tearfully confessed to our Chosen People Ministries worker.
But Yeshua had not given up on Daniel. Our staff member began to share with Daniel about the love, grace, and forgiveness of Jesus, the Messiah, and encourage him to consider the claims of Christ and a new path forward. Soon, Daniel chose to place his faith in Jesus.
Our missionary connected Daniel with a Jewish believer in Daniel’s town, and now his new Messianic friends are helping him grow in his faith and deal with his life-controlling addiction, too. He is on the path to a brighter future because you were there for him. Thank you for your partnership with Chosen People Ministries. You make a life-saving difference for Jewish people like Daniel.
*Name changed
The most Jewish thing to do . . . follow Messiah!
Jewish people in Germany are very dedicated to preserving their heritage and living their traditional faith in a nation that once virulently rejected them. This dedication sometimes makes it difficult to share the good news—because choosing to follow Jesus can mistakenly be seen as rejecting Judaism.
When you reached out to Adel* with the message of Messiah, this was a concern for her, too. She wanted to choose Jesus! She could see that He was the anointed one who is the fulfillment of all the prophecies about a coming deliverer . . . but what would other Jewish people think?
Our Chosen People Ministries missionaries were concerned about this, too. Would Adel choose Jesus and receive water baptism as a public proclamation of her faith in Messiah—or would she draw back from taking this step?
“The fear of rejection from their own people keeps many Jewish people from taking this step,” says our Chosen People Ministries worker. “The paradox is that following Messiah is the most Jewish thing you can do!”
Thankfully, Adel felt the same way! She placed her faith in Yeshua and was recently baptized.
Your gift of the good news changed her life for today and for eternity. Thank you!
*Name changed
“What does the menorah have to do with it?”
Barbara* was surprised by the message being shared by our missionaries in a bustling European city. They were carrying a box with a menorah painted on it—she recognized it as a symbol of her Jewish identity—but they were telling her about a Savior, Jesus.
“Jesus and the cross? This basically sounds to me like the Catholic faith,” she said. “What does the menorah have to do with it?”
This was the perfect transition to presenting the truth about Jesus, and our Chosen People Ministries missionary answered, “The message about Messiah Yeshua is from the Jewish faith. Have you ever read Isaiah 53?”
Soon our worker was sharing with Barbara the Scriptures from this prophetic chapter of Isaiah and showing her how they all pointed to the Messiah, Jesus. By the end of the conversation, Barbara was ready to pray to receive Christ as Savior!
Your support for Chosen People Ministries means Jewish people like Barbara are receiving the good news in cities all around the world! Thank you for being part of this great move of Jewish evangelism.
*Name changed
When they got up and stomped out, we almost gave up . . .
Our team in Israel had gathered for a concert—and to share the good news—and everything was going great! Lots of Israeli young people and others were attracted to the music and enjoying the evening.
Then, our Chosen People Ministries worker stood up to share about Jesus . . . and as soon as she started speaking about the Scriptures, several people just got up and stomped out! They clearly did not want to listen to any preaching!
For a moment, the flustered team considered canceling the talk and just continuing with the music . . . but our missionary knew the Lord had placed a message on her heart, and she carried on.
No one else left. The entire crowd seemed to be listening very carefully—and at the end of the presentation, fifteen people said a prayer of repentance and invited Yeshua into their hearts!
Even when it seems that Jewish people are opposed to the gospel, the Lord is at work. Thank you for making it possible for Chosen People Ministries’ team to be there in Israel, introducing Jewish people to their Messiah. Your partnership is life-changing.