Reaching Refugee Jews in Bolivia (from our Archives)
Vol. 45 JANUARY 1940 No. 4
From Bolivia also came the Macedonian call. Here too, refugee Jews from Central Europe have come, desperately seeking to find a place of shelter in a world which wants them not. So, there came to us an SOS call from our friends of the Bolivian Indian Mission asking for immediate grants of tracts in Yiddish, Gospels and New Testaments. And we were so happy to be able to respond without delay, just as we responded previously to similar calls from Shanghai, from Mexico, from Iceland and from many other quarters of the earth where Jews have trekked their desolate ways to find a place upon which to set their feet.
A few weeks ago we received a letter thanking us for the grant of literature, and we pass on a part of it to our readers, so that you too may share in the ever widening ministry of your Mission:
Your good letter with your grant of Jewish leaflets, tracts and testaments was duly received, and I apologize for not having acknowledged them before. We have been having some precious opportunities and several of the Jews seem to be very near the Kingdom.
Among the refugees, there is one family which is definitely Christian. The husband and father’s name is J. S. He had a brother who was a Baptist pastor in Berlin and was for a time in the same Concentration Camp with Pastor Niemoller. He himself has had two years training in Bible College and did some missionary work among the Jews in Germany. There has been a delay in getting his passport papers properly in order and for that reason he has not been able to circulate freely about the city as yet. There is also a young man from Germany, who is a Baptist. He suffered considerable persecution from his family. These are wonderful and challenging days and we thank God for having brought some of His chosen people within the knowledge of the Gospel in Bolivia. We confidently expect to see God accomplish great things among them here.