I pray you are off to a hopeful and healthy start in 2022!
One of our generous and faithful supporters recently asked, “Mitch, what are your priorities for 2022?” What a great question!
The answer is simple. We plan to go re-affirm our basic priorites in 2022—focusing on personal evangelism, discipleship, and training.
COVID-19 has separated us from individuals, and the best way to move Chosen People Ministries forward in 2022 is to focus on sharing the gospel with Jewish people in person and one on one.
We will continue our online ministries, congregational work, and conferences but will prioritize our efforts to meet Jewish people face to face and speak to them about the Lord.
By God’s grace, we hope to recapture what has worked so well for Your Mission to the Jewish People for more than a century.
So, we are launching a new campaign—Foundations ’22.
Foundations ’22—Back to Basics
Our founder, Leopold Cohn, came to the Lord on the Lower East Side of Manhattan through the preaching of a Polish Presbyterian missionary to the Jewish people in New York City.
This missionary led Rabbi Cohn to the Lord, personally discipled him, and sent him to a seminary in Scotland for training.
Now, more than 127 years later, Your Mission to the Jewish People serves in nineteen countries and two dozen cities across America—and we continue to grow!
Chosen People Ministries has planted dozens of Messianic congregations, conducted major conferences on Jewish evangelism and prophecy, held Jewish holiday services that proclaimed Jesus to thousands, and preached the Word of God in more than 100,000 churches throughout our history!
We had more people attend our online events during the past two years than ever before! We thank God that more than 40,000 people attended our event commemorating the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 last fall!
We are also in the process of initiating some new projects for 2022:
- A Hebrew website and social media campaign for young, secular Israelis
- An animated gospel tract for social media based on my book Isaiah 53 Explained
- An extensive hosting network for Israeli travelers visiting the United States to complement all we are doing in New Zealand, parts of Asia, and Israel
These new projects are all designed to further our time-tested strategy—to witness, disciple, and train believers for a lifetime of service!
I am the seventh president of a ministry that has endured two world wars, the Holocaust, the Great Depression, massive immigration of Jewish people to the US from Eastern Europe, the Spanish flu . . . and now COVID-19!
Yet, by God’s inescapable and magnificent grace, we are still here—focused on the same goal—bringing the Messiah to His own people!
A “win-disciple-train” strategy is the core of the Great Commission.
Focusing on the basics is the best way to counter the fog and disruptions this pandemic has brought upon us!
After all, the gospel is still the same, Jesus is the same, and our mission, according to Matthew 28:19–20 and Romans 1:16, also remains the same.
Prioritizing Personal Ministry
We will emphasize in-peÍrson evangelism of Jewish people, discipleship through personal care, prayer, and Bible study. We will also offer further training so that these new Jewish disciples can grow, mature, and become Jewish evangelists themselves.
Our evangelistic goals include reaching some of the most difficult-to-reach Jewish people in the world. Some of these precious Jewish people are the most gospel-resistant among the gospel-resistant!
So please pray, give, and when you are able, join us in reaching some of these Jewish people through short-term missions and various training opportunities!
We are praying for God to raise up friends and supporters for the Foundations ’22 campaign, and we hope to support each of these three areas of ministry with an additional $250,000 this year—a total of $750,000 for the campaign.
We hope to raise approximately $60,000 per month for this effort and pray you will help us get started this month.
Would you consider a special and generous gift for the Foundations ’22 campaign?
There are several ways to give. Your donation today will help provide for missionary expenses, the development of new materials, and the underwriting of our training programs.
I know that if you help us focus on direct evangelism, discipleship, and training, many more Jewish people will hear about Jesus and grow in faith.
May you have a fruitful 2022 for the Lord!
Your brother in the Messiah,
P.S. Foundations ’22 is an opportunity to go back to the basics and develop meaningful connections with Jewish people. Partner with us today!