More than 1.6 million Jewish people in Israel live in poverty and do not have enough to eat. Most are recent immigrants from the former Soviet Union. Many are Holocaust survivors who are living out their days in the Holy Land.
Over a hundred years ago, amidst the poverty of the Lower East Side of New York, a Jewish rabbi gave his life to Jesus. Rabbi Leopold Cohn founded a mission in 1894 to bring the Good News he had discovered to his own people, and to put the Gospel into action. That same mission, now known as Chosen People Ministries, continues this work today, bringing the message of redemption through Jesus to Jewish people, and living out the Good News through acts of mercy and kindness.
Many elderly immigrants in Israel are going hungry right now. We provide food for as many of these precious people as we can! But Passover is coming up. Can you imagine not having enough food at Passover – a time when Jewish people celebrate the sweetness of God’s deliverance from bondage? We want to show these dear people that those who love Yeshua (Jesus) love them too – and more importantly, that Jesus, their Messiah, loves them!
In demonstrating His love to those we help, we hope that they will ask us why we care. And when they ask – we will answer: it is all because of Jesus, the Messiah, who lived and died for them!