Read time: 3 mins
This article was posted November 2, 2017.
I am thankful to report that we had a very fruitful High Holiday season of ministry! Chosen People Ministries continues to grow and we thank you for your prayers and financial support which make our work possible! And yet, as I write this letter, my heart is heavy.
Israel became a nation in 1948—just a few years after the horrific discoveries of the death camps. To this day, I still meet soldiers who discovered the camps: the buried bodies, and the survivors barely clinging to life. Soon after the simple phrase “six million” became well known. Some people wonder, “Was it really six million Jewish people who died? Despite Holocaust deniers, the evidence is overwhelming that at least six million Jewish people died at the hands of the Nazis.
I believe it is fair to say that the modern State of Israel grew out of the ashes of the Holocaust. Next year, thankfully, and against all odds, we will celebrate the 70th anniversary of modern Israel.
My chief concerns for Israel today are her safety and the well-being of all those who live in the Promised Land. But I am also deeply concerned about the way my brothers and sisters in Messiah—the Church— view Israel and the Jewish people today.
In the church today, are two fundamental views regarding Israel and the Jewish people.
The first view is that God still has ongoing favor for the Jewish people—favor that was established with the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12:1-3) and reiterated in the Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7:14ff.).
His plan also unfolds in the books of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 31:31-35) and Romans (Romans 11:11-29).
As Paul writes,
“From the standpoint of the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but from the standpoint of God’s choice they are beloved for the sake of the fathers; for the gifts, and the calling of God are irrevocable.” (Romans 11:28-29)
I believe that the Lord will return one day. His feet will rest upon the Mount of Olives, and He will conquer the enemies of Israel (Zechariah 12:10, 14:3ff.). Next, He will establish a literal throne in Jerusalem and rule as the Messianic son of David.
The second view that many born-again Christians hold is that the Jewish people rejected Jesus in the first century and, because of this, God no longer has a role and plan for the Jewish people. Adherents to this view do not see a literal expression of the various covenants where God promises the Jewish people that they would dwell in the land in peace and that Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, would reign on His glorious throne in Jerusalem – the capital of His kingdom. There are wonderful and godly Christians on both sides of this fence! I usually do not say much about this issue because Jewish evangelism is our primary focus at
Chosen People Ministries; however, I feel the need to say something because so many within the Church— especially the younger generation—are unclear about God’s plan for Israel and the Jewish people.
There are wonderful and godly Christians on both sides of this fence!
As a mission to the Jewish people, we simply cannot be silent on these issues. I am hoping that the resources we are providing will increase awareness in the Body of Messiah of the ways the Bible describes God’s relationship to Israel and the Jewish people.
We now have more than a dozen congregations in Ukraine and 50 Jewish believers were baptized this year! We also have benevolence ministries to poor, elderly Jewish people.
With $10,000 for the year, we can sustain our ministries in Ukraine, and each dollar will be used immediately for the furtherance of the Gospel!
Since 1943, we have been working in Buenos Aires, the home of more than 250,000 Jewish people. We currently own two properties there, in the heart of key Jewish communities.
Though ministry partnership, we have been able to send out thousands of Isaiah 53 Explained books and to start a congregation, which provides some funding for the Pastor and facilities, but not nearly enough, so the United States subsidizes this ministry.
The annual budget for Buenos Aires is well over $100,000 for maintenance on both properties and missionary salaries.
We recently opened a new outreach center in the heart of Ramat Gan, a suburb of Tel Aviv. God is already blessing this work where we minister to young adults and families.
Maintaining the center costs us more than $200,000 a year, so we could really use your support right now!
Again, thank you so much for caring. I hope that you will consider a generous gift to our Under-Supported Missionary Fund so that we can spread these funds around to the neediest areas of our ministry.
Give today!