As always, your prayers and generous financial support are essential to sustaining and prospering our outreach to the next generation!We cannot do what we do without your faithful help and support.
Our initiative to expand the training and discipleship of new leaders is a large part of our Ministry Advancement Campaign. Our goal is to raise $1.5 million dollars for this project in 2021. I am praying that you will help us reach our goal!
Thank you for your faithful concern and care for the children, teenagers, and young adults who are the future men and women at the forefront of Jewish evangelism in the twenty-first century. I hope you will join me in supporting and investing in them today.
For your generous gift of $150 or more, I will send you our new book entitled A Rabbi’s Vision Continues, which chronicles the development of Your Mission to the Jewish People, founded by Rabbi Leopold Cohn in 1894, and explores its goal to reach the Jewish people with the gospel!