Michael and Debbi Herts

Southeastern Regional Director
serving in Broward County, Florida

Dr. Michael Herts, a Jewish believer in Jesus, was raised on Long Island, New York. He faithfully attended a Conservative Jewish synagogue and became a Bar Mitzvah at age 13. In 10th grade, he was first exposed to the good news of Messiah in an understandable way. After two years of searching, he came to believe Jesus is the Jewish Messiah.

From that moment his whole life changed. His family was very hurt and some were very angry about his decision. Contrary to what his grandmother thought he did not become a Gentile but instead gained a deeper appreciation of what it meant to really be Jewish. To worship and serve the God of Israel, and accept His Messiah, His plan of Atonement and reconciliation suddenly made sense.

As Dr. Herts grew in his faith, he gained a deeper understanding of the connection between the older and newer covenants. He came to understand the importance of being a testimony to God’s faithfulness to His people by maintaining his Jewish identity, showing that he can be Jewish and believe in Jesus. With time his heart became even more burdened for reaching Jewish people with the good news of Messiah.

Over the years he has served in leadership positions in various congregational settings. In 2005 he formed a team to plant a congregation in Virginia. In 2009 he received his ordination. In July 2010 he accepted the invitation to serve God as a missionary with Chosen People Ministries.

He is the husband of a retired United States Air Force Colonel. He is also the proud father of three wonderful children who each love the Lord. He earned a Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.), a Master of Education (M.Ed.), and a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree.

Michael’s Topics

  • Messiah in the Passover
  • The Last Week in Jesus’ Life
  • God’s Heart for His Chosen People (Romans 1:16; 9-11)
  • Messiah in Pentecost
  • Messiah in the Feast of Trumpets
  • Messiah in the Day of Atonement
  • Messiah in the Feast of Tabernacles
  • Messiah in the Tabernacle
  • Israel in Biblical Prophecy
  • Genesis 22: The Binding of Isaac – Shadows of Messiah
  • Without Hanukkah There Would Be No Christmas
  • The Gospel According to Isaiah 53