Staff member Roy had a surprising guest at his Bible study—a rabbi! Rabbi Nathan* was invited by a Christian woman who is a member of a local evangelical church.
This church is located in the heart of the Jewish community in the northern suburbs of Chicago and surrounded by many synagogues within a ten-mile radius. This church has a steadfast love for the Jewish people. Roy believes the reason that the rabbi came to the Bible study was because the church made a conscious decision to pray and do what they could to bring the gospel to their Jewish neighbors.
Please pray that more churches develop similar alliances with Messianic organizations. Please pray that Rabbi Nathan will return to the Bible study and that faith will come through the study of God’s word!
“It Was Just Like a Marriage”
With faces beaming, six of our Jewish refugees went down into the baptismal waters and thus made public confession of their faith in their newly found Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. It was on the Lord’s Day morning of October 6th, and some of these desolated children of the house of Israel had been looking forward a long time to this event, as a mountain peak in life’s experiences. They had been robbed and despoiled of everything which makes for life’s material comforts; their life savings had been brutally taken from them, their homes had been destroyed, their very existence had been outlawed; in some cases families were separated for months at a time. But all these things now they counted as dross in the light of their newfound possession, everlasting peace and joy through the Lord Jesus Christ.
*names changed