Transforming the Landscape of God’s Work among Israelis
Shalom in the great name of Jesus our Messiah. My wife Zhava and I are spending quite a bit of time in Israel coordinating and participating in a host of fruitful activities. It is impossible to express my excitement about all the Lord is doing in Israel right now . . . but I will try!
God is moving among second-generation Israeli young believers who are actively proclaiming the gospel among their friends, and many are coming to faith in Jesus the Messiah!
I can only describe this movement as a second-generation movement of the Holy Spirit. Their parents and pastors have done a great job leading this next generation to the Lord and providing opportunities for their discipleship.
Your Mission to the Jewish People is also playing a part in the discipleship of these zealous young adults. We are working alongside these godly parents in preparing their kids for the challenges of mandatory military service and the social and spiritual issues they face in the Holy Land today. These sons and daughters of Israel work both in the secular world and in full-time ministry. They use their vocations to help their fellow Israelis come to know the Lord. They are leaders in their congregations, ministries, businesses, and the military!
The Living Waters Mentoring Project
Chosen People Ministries created the Living Waters mentoring project in response to the growth of this young adult movement in Israel. Living Waters focuses on the present and immediate needs of ministry, but even more so, Living Waters casts its gaze toward the future through mentoring young leaders. We are helping to train a new generation of young adults who are even now leading the next generation of the Israeli believing community into greater spiritual maturity and service.
The growth of this second-generation movement is transforming the landscape of the Lord’s work in Israel!
Let me briefly explain what we do at Living Waters. Each year, we gather about forty younger leaders along with their spouses and children (if they have any) and provide a retreat for them, which includes Bible teaching, fellowship, and practical ministry training. We also help meet some of the everyday needs of walking with the Lord and serving Him through their congregations. Additionally, we connect these young adults with one another and encourage peer-to-peer friendships as well as partnerships with Israelis in different parts of the country.
Just a decade ago, at some of our early Living Waters retreats, everyone from all over Israel seemed to know one another. But today, the movement has grown to the point where most young leaders are meeting one another for the first time! This trend is another visible sign of the expansion of the Israeli believing community.
By connecting these young leaders to one another, we are creating an atmosphere for fellowship and ministry partnerships to bless the entire body of Messiah for years to come. We have already seen this happen as our Messianic Jewish testimonies project,, grew out of relationships built at Living Waters.
The pastors who recommend their young people attend Living Waters are delighted with the program. Additionally, most of the pastors of those who attend Living Waters view the program as an opportunity to enhance their own ministries. They recognize we are helping them train their future congregational leaders.
It is wonderful to see relationships built between young leaders and those who come to teach and mentor them. As a result, doors have opened for further ministry, funds have been raised, additional training received, and new relationships and connections developed from the discipleship experienced through Living Waters.
Israeli leaders need friends and mentors outside of Israel to pray for them and help gather resources, funds, and training to continue their work in Israel.
We take great joy in helping deepen these relationships between our American-based mentors/speakers and the Israeli participants.
The New Tel Aviv Messianic Center
Another response to this growing movement in Israel is the expansion of ministry space in Tel Aviv—the city with the largest concentration of Israelis in the country. We recently purchased a commercial space to use as a Messianic outreach center. This new space is two-and-a-half times larger than what we currently rent, and this center will be one of the few facilities owned by believers in Tel Aviv and the surrounding suburbs. It is another sign of God’s favor on the growing Messianic movement in the Holy Land!
I am diligently raising funds, working with architects and contractors, and securing building permits. Please pray for this work, as it is going to be very challenging because some ultra-religious Jewish politicians have a more significant role in Israel’s current government and strongly oppose our efforts. I am hoping God will grant us favor with the officials so our permits to build will come quickly.
We plan to dedicate the new center this December during the Jewish festival of Hanukkah (which means “dedication” in Hebrew). If you want to join us on this unique and memorable tour, you can find all the details and register at
Please pray about coming on the Israel trip of a lifetime!
A Chosen People Global Ministries Regathering
Another major event took place this past month in Israel as we gathered for fellowship with many on our worldwide staff at a hotel in Jerusalem. More than 300 of our Chosen People Global Ministries family were able to see each other face to face for the first time in many years. We worshiped, prayed together, and heard some great messages about the future of Jewish evangelism in Israel and worldwide. Everyone was inspired, encouraged, and energized to serve the Lord.
We also invited families to bring their children. We ended up engaging about fifty-five kids in our children’s program.
So, we not only envisioned the future but were able to see it right in front of us.
A New Hebrew-Language Evangelistic Website
I also spent time working with our Israel staff on our new online evangelistic website—LaOmek (the Hebrew word for “going deeper”). This new website offers digital booklets addressing various significant issues among younger Israelis, like healthy relationships and the challenges of loneliness, depression, and anxiety. Thousands of Israelis have already downloaded our booklets. Our Israel staff is now busy following up with them!
The summer will also be busy around the globe as we conduct short-term evangelistic campaigns in Israel, New York City, London, and more!
I cannot thank you enough for your generous support of Chosen People Ministries and your prayers and encouragement. I have more to tell you about new outreach initiatives in the United States we are kicking off this fall, but I will save these updates for another time. I hope you enjoy the rest of the newsletter, especially the interview with David, one of our leaders at the Tel Aviv Messianic Center. I am sure you will appreciate what he has to say and, as a result, be better informed about how to pray for the growing believing community in Israel!
Q&A with an Israeli Missionary:
Reaching Secular Jewish
Young People for Jesus
In the following interview, David, a Jewish missionary with Chosen People Ministries in Israel, talks about how he came to faith in Jesus, his and his wife Viktoria’s ministry among Tel Aviv’s young, secular Jewish population, and how believers can pray for ministry in Israel.
Can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you, as a Jewish believer, came to faith in Jesus as your Messiah?
My family is originally from Latvia, a small country in eastern Europe. During World War II, most of our family perished in the Holocaust. My grandfather survived, but the Holocaust left an enormous pain in his heart. He was against everything related to God.
After World War II, the communist party ruled Latvia. My grandfather studied communist ideology at university. After graduation, he climbed quickly from one role to another in the communist party until he reached a senior post in the Latvian Communist Party’s Ministry of Information. He started working in communist propaganda.
During that time, simply having a Bible at home was against the law. Anyone who kept one risked being arrested and locked in a KGB basement. Nonetheless, the Ministry of Information had copies of the Bible for the purpose of studying the Scriptures and teaching against them.
Because of his position, my grandfather was able to take a Bible to our family’s house to study the Scriptures and prepare articles and lectures against them. But God had another plan.
Our news briefs each month feature recent stories from around our ministry. They show how God is working through our staff around the world as we bring the gospel “to the Jew first” and also to the Gentile (Romans 1:16). For our July 2023 newsletter, we focused specifically on what God is doing through our ministry to Israelis around the world. From Japan to New Zealand, the Lord is drawing His people to Himself.