Bernice,* a Jewish woman with whom one of our staff members has been meeting, recently came to faith in Jesus! Bernice was attentive during all of the Bible studies in which she participated and absorbed everything. God stirred in her heart to ask for words that she could pray. Our staff member shared, “Jesus, Messiah, Son of God, Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Bernice has since returned to her Jewish family and friends in New York and has been sharing her new relationship with God through Jesus the Jewish Messiah.
Another Jewish woman, Beverly,* whom our staff member met a few years ago at a Hanukkah/Christmas celebration, is not yet a believer in Jesus. However, Beverly mentions Jesus in every conversation. After our staff member shared that she believes Jesus is the Promised One of Israel, the Jewish Messiah, Beverly replied, “I believe that too.” Please pray that Beverly realizes her personal need for Jesus. Additional phone chats are scheduled!
*Names Changed