Massive Protests Erupt in Israel
For the third Saturday in a row, more than 110,000 people assembled in Tel Aviv to protest a proposed reform to the judicial system. Former Prime Minister Yair Lapid said, “What you see here today is a demonstration in favor of the country. People who love this country came here to defend it, its democracy and its courts.” Other demonstrations formed in Jerusalem, Haifa, and Beersheva.
These protests erupted because Netanyahu’s Justice Minister announced a plan to allow lawmakers more power in appointing their choice of judges and to allow the government to rescind Supreme Court decisions. This action would take away the high court’s independence from the government and weaken safeguards in place to protect the people.
Please pray these protests remain peaceful and hold the government accountable.
Israel Experiences A Dry Winter
Israel is experiencing its driest winter in sixty years. The winter season began December 1. Thus far, the Sea of Galilee rose less than one inch compared to more than a foot by this time last year. An average Israel winter, ending in March, usually causes an increase of upward of three feet of water in the sea. Thanks to desalination plants, Israel no longer relies on the this largest of Israel’s freshwater lakes as its primary water source.
However, researchers often still use the Sea of Galilee to measure rainfall. In comparison, the previous four winters brought abundant rainfall and melting snow, which filled the Galilee. There is still time for more rain to come. For now, the Sea of Galilee is still thriving and well over the “red line,” indicating quality of water and health to the ecological systems surrounding the lake.
Please pray for more rain during Israel’s winter months. Soon the hot, dry, and long summer months will return.