Massive Cyberattacks Threaten Israeli Hospitals
Last weekend, Israel experienced a wave of cyberattacks targeting medical clinics and hospitals. Quick responses and system updates were able to stop the threats before they caused damage, but it is still quite serious. Earlier this month, a ransomware attack crippled Hillel Yaffe Medical Center. It may take months for the hospital’s electrical systems to become fully functional again.
In a ransomware attack, a hacker encrypts an organization’s computers and demands a large sum of money, usually cryptocurrency, in return for a digital key to unlock them. As a government hospital, Hillel Yaffe was not allowed to pay the requested ransom. Some non-urgent procedures were canceled and most staff members are using a back-up computer system or pen and paper. New data suggests Israel is the country most affected by ransomware since 2020, especially the health, education, research, and security sectors. Israel has warned businesses to be cautious of cyber threats.
Please pray for the safety and security of Israel’s online systems in key areas of society.
Prime Minister Bennett Meets with President Putin in Russia
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett (C) with Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) while accompanied by Housing Minister Ze’ev Elkin (Source: Kobi Gidon/GPO)
Prime Minister Bennett just returned from his first meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin. Bennett and his entourage expected to have a two-hour meeting with Putin, but the meeting took five hours. Due to this delay, Bennett remained in Sochi, Russia until Saturday night, after the Sabbath ended. The local Jewish community jumped in and prepared food for the Sabbath for the prime minister and his entourage. During the Friday night meal, Bennett gave a brief lesson on the weekly Torah reading and the historical connection between the Jewish people and Russia.
Housing Minister Ze’ev Elkin accompanied Bennett to the meetings with Putin to translate and advise him. Elkin said the meetings went wonderfully and that the two leaders had deep discussions on Iran’s nuclear program and continued coordination against Iran gaining footholds in Syria or transferring weapons to the region.
Please pray for continued warm relations between Israel and Russia.
Read more about Prime Minister Bennett’s trip to Russia…
Read more about how Prime Minister Bennett celebrated Shabbat in Russia…
Israel Remembers Yitzhak Rabin
Portrait of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (Source: Yaakov Saar/Wikimedia Commons)
Last week, a host of ceremonies commemorated the assassination of former Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin. He was murdered twenty-six years ago by Yigal Amir, a radical right-wing activist. Two years prior, Rabin had signed an agreement with Yasser Arafat, then leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, in which this Palestinian group formally recognized Israel’s right to exist in peace and security.
Likewise, Israel recognized the organization as the Palestinian people’s representative and communicated Israel’s intention to begin negotiations. This agreement—the Oslo Accords—was facilitated by United States President Bill Clinton and was signed with a historic handshake between Arafat and Rabin. Many right-wing Israelis were horrified at the idea of seeking peace and giving away land to their “enemy.” An extremist assassinated Rabin in protest of his signing the Oslo Accords.
At this year’s memorial ceremonies, Prime Minister Bennett said, “The lesson I took away from Rabin’s murder—under no circumstances, no matter the situation, should the nation be torn apart. We cannot set the house on fire. We are brothers. The only comfort from this terrible murder is the fact that we managed to flourish, to correct.”
Please pray for the family of Yitzhak Rabin, who will forever miss him, and for peace among Israelis who disagree.
Chosen People Ministries—Israel Spreads the Good News
Every day we have opportunities—both planned and unplanned—to share the Messiah’s love with people. We might already know them or it might be our first time meeting them, but we marvel at the doors the Lord opens up for us to have conversations about Him. Please pray with us for open hearts, minds, and ears as we speak about the wonderful gift of salvation that Jesus has given to us!
Please pray with us for the salvation of the Jewish people.