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Hanukkah is celebrated beginning on the 25th of the Jewish month of Kislev. While Christians traditionally give gifts on Christmas, many Jewish people give gifts on all eight nights of Hanukkah!
The eight-day celebration commemorates God saving His people from Antiochus IV – a brutal despot who forbade the Jewish people from practicing their faith. He also desecrated the Temple by carrying out pagan sacrifices there. As legend tells us, after a successful revolt, a single cruse of holy oil burned in the Temple for eight days until more could be procured by the priests of the Temple. Each of the eight nights of Hanukkah, a candle is added until all eight candles of the hanukkiah (candleholder), plus the shamash (servant candle), burn brightly in the windows of Jewish homes throughout the world.
Like most Jewish holidays, Hanukkah has its own special activities and foods. To find out more about Hanukkah, request your booklet today.