A couple of months ago, New Jersey staff member, Darlene, was interviewed on a Christian radio program called Truth For Our Time, hosted by Tamara Scott in Des Moines, Iowa. Subsequently, she posted the interview link on Facebook. The one-hour interview covered several topics including her call into ministry during the wake of 9/11, serving Jewish people through Chosen People Ministries, some Jewish objections, antisemitism, and, of course, last but not least, sharing the gospel throughout the segment. Recently, Darlene accompanied her father to a doctor’s appointment and she was waiting outside of the examination room. All of a sudden, she heard a voice calling her name, “Darlene, Darlene, it’s good to see you.” She saw one of her doctors, Dr. Levi.*
Dr. Levi had recently seen Darlene’s interview on Facebook. Dr. Levi stated, “It’s wonderful, I love what you said and what you are doing.” Darlene was speech- less. She also said to Darlene, “This is so interesting, I want to hear more.” Dr. Levi wants to meet again with Darlene. Darlene thanks you in advance for praying that this meeting will transpire in God’s timing.