Efraim & Jeannie Goldstein
serving in the City of Nahariyya
Efraim and Jeannie Goldstein are Jewish believers in Yeshua who have been serving the Lord in ministry to the Jewish people since 1975. In 1994 they immigrated to Israel, settled in Tel Avivwith their sons Daniel and Gabi.
Jeannie grew up in a Los Angeles-area Jewish home. While committed to the Jewish traditions, a high-school friend aroused her curiosity about Yeshua. After further study, Jeannie came to believe Yeshua is the Messiah and discovered that wonderful truth, “you can be Jewish and believe in Jesus.”
Her passion is for children, and she has been faithfully teaching children of believers about Yeshua for many years. She conducts weekly “Bible Clubs” for children in Israel, and teaches others interested in children’s ministry.
Efraim is from a Conservative Jewish home in the Bronx, New York. He grew up with a deep love and knowledge for the Jewish heritage. While in college, he became involved in the late 1960’s counter-culture movement. At the challenge of a friend, he began to read the New Testament and quickly realized that Yeshua is the promised Messiah. His burden as a new believer was to share the Good News with friends and family.
Efraim and Jeannie served with a Jewish ministry for 33 years and pioneered its ministry in Israel. His burden is for evangelism and discipleship in Israel. According to Efraim, “Israel is one of the most open places to share the message of Yeshua with other Jewish people. All you need is some courage, and the willingness to share your faith.”
Efraim has earned a Masters Degree in Missions from Fuller Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Asbury Theological Seminary, Beeson School of Leadership. The focus of his work was on mentoring and discipling new believers in Israel.
Currently, Efraim is pastoring the Light of Galilee Congregation in the City of Nahariyya. Their sons are married and living in the Tel Aviv area and they have two grandchildren with another on the way.
Efraim’s Topics:
- Messiah in Passover
- The Gospel in the Feasts
- Romans 1:16
- Whose Jerusalem is it? or Jerusalem Calling -Psalm 122
- Biblical Basis to the Land Gen.12:1-3
- Whose Child is This? Isaiah 9:6
- Waters of Salvation – John 7 (Sukkot)
- Israel Now and Forever
- Caring as Yeshua Cared – Mentoring Messiah’s Way
- Refugees in the Hand of the Lord
- The Sermon on Mount – A Messianic Perspective