Shalom! I just returned from a quick trip to Israel to plan some of our ministry events in honor of the seventieth anniversary of the formation of the State of Israel. What a difference a few years makes!
I wish I had been alive in 1948 to see the formation of the modern State of Israel. Really, can you imagine seeing God’s redemptive plan unfold before your very eyes?
The presence of the modern State of Israel energizes our faith and helps us believe that God will one day keep all His promises to Israel and the nations!
Many Christians travel to Israel and are sometimes disappointed because Israel today is quite secular. We are thrilled to see the way God is moving in Israel—but the current number of Jesus-followers still only constitutes fewer than 1 percent of the population.
In Ezekiel 36, the prophet speaks of a future return of the Jewish people to the Land after having been scattered among the nations. This passage says that God Himself would initiate the return and that the Jewish people would return to the land of Israel in unbelief.
According to Ezekiel, the next two items on God’s timetable will be the spiritual restoration of the nation of Israel and then the physical restoration of Israel.
I envision these next events taking place at the second coming of Jesus! We can be certain that as sure as God brought Israel back to the Land, God will also pour out His Spirit upon the Jewish people. He will turn them to Himself through His Son as He returns to establish His kingdom. Jerusalem will be His capital and Jesus will reign as sovereign over both His Jewish and non-Jewish followers, and in that day His promises to the Jewish people and the nations will be fulfilled.
Knowing the future He has planned for Israel and the nations—what should we do today?
Would you join Your Mission to the Jewish People in preparing the nation of Israel for the second coming of the Messiah? Click here to learn more.
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