Robert, our Brooklyn branch leader, writes, “As you can imagine, ministry can be full of surprises and unique opportunities that God provides.” Recently, he had one such opportunity. A local Messianic Jewish woman, named Deborah,* whom he had never met, was on her deathbed. Her family sought out a Messianic leader at her request to be at her bedside as they took her off life support. Robert quickly went to the hospital. While there, Robert prayed with Deborah’s family, sang the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4), and said goodbye. Deborah’s son Jacob,* who is not yet a believer, held her hand. As she died, she whispered, “Go to Jesus,” and she took her last breath. Through tears, Jacob asked Robert to do the funeral the next day in honor of his mother’s beliefs. Robert performed the traditional Jewish funeral and graveside services and before a roomful of fifty Jewish people, and shared about what their beloved Deborah believed. Reflecting on both Old Testament and New Testament Scriptures, Robert discussed Deborah’s testimony and then read Isaiah 25:6-9 and Revelation 21:1-6 to show that God will provide victory over sin and death. The aim was to make the gospel as clear as he could while maintaining respect for the occasion. Please pray for those who continue to mourn, especially for Jacob and his family.