Thank you for signing the declaration to pray for Israel!
Blessings to you and yours!
Click on the Download button below to get your Prayer Declaration Certificate
Thank you for partnering with us to reach Jewish people with the Good News that Messiah has come!
For a donation of any amount, we will send you a copy of Israel’s Glorious Future: The Prophecies and Promises of God Revealed.
It is through your generous partnership that the work of supporting Israel goes forward. In this crucial time in history where antisemitism is on the rise, we are greatly encouraged and empowered by you!
Your donation will help fund the work of Chosen People Ministries around the world. It will provide practical assistance for Holocaust survivors living in Israel. There has been a sizable immigration of Russian Jewish people to Israel over the last 20 years, and among this group are hundreds of thousands of Holocaust survivors. By God’s grace, we have been able to have a growing ministry among these precious and quite elderly Jewish people.
Your donation also helps many other outreach efforts by which we share the Gospel of our Messiah with Jewish people around the world.
Please give as generously as you are able. Thank you again, and God bless you!
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If you experience any difficulties donating online, please contact our office
at: 1-888-293-7482 for personal assistance.