While leading ministry work among the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community last summer, staff member Rich met Joseph,* a young Orthodox Jewish man in his early 30s. Joseph wants to make Rich into a good Jew (i.e., Orthodox). Rich, in turn wants to make Joseph into a good Jew (i.e., a Messianic Jew). They get together periodically to discuss spiritual matters, but Joseph does not yet seem open to considering the Messianic claims of Jesus. Recently, Joseph reached out and they met up again. Rich prayed that this time it would be more relational and the Lord heard his prayer. Rich and Joseph shared their lives and became more open and transparent with each other. They parted warmly with the intention to meet again. Joseph is helping Rich understand the fast growing ultra-Orthodox community and is providing him with a window into a world that he would not otherwise have. The future of Jewish missions is among these unreached people!