Gospel and the Middle East Conference: Engaging the Next Generation
Read time: 3 mins
Dear Friend,
The Gospel and the Middle East Conference is just about to begin! I hope you are coming in-person, but if you cannot, the videos will be available on thegospelandthemiddleeast.com.
For the full conference schedule click here
Since you will have the opportunity to text your questions during the panel, you might want to gather a small group of Christian friends or your Bible study group to watch one of the discussions. You can submit your questions via social media by using the hashtag #GME17. Keep in mind that all of the sessions will begin on Central time!
To understand the full scope of why this conference is important, allow me to give you a brief history lesson.
I was born seven years after the end of World War II and the conclusion of the Holocaust. The modern nation of Israel rose out of the ashes of the Holocaust with great global sympathy from those stunned by reports from the liberated concentration camps. In the light of these horrors, Jewish people assumed that if they had a country—an army, politicians, and a national economy—it would then be possible to avoid another tragedy.
However, people’s memories are short. The Holocaust is no longer on people’s radar in the same way it was in 1948. To complicate matters, world sympathies, especially in Europe, have transferred to the Palestinian cause. Modern Israel has lost much of the world’s compassion as new generations have arisen without sufficient awareness of the historical context.
If we do not shape the minds and hearts of the next generation with solid Bible teaching on the topic of God and the people of Israel, how can we possibly expect the younger people to share the feelings of generations past? We must be determined to make the Bible relevant to their understanding of the Middle East crisis by helping them view today’s challenges through the lens of Scripture.
To accomplish this goal, we have been conducting a survey to measure the attitude of next-generation Christians towards Israel and the Jewish people, which will be released at the time of the conference. We have also underwritten most of the costs for the conference to involve as many young people as we can. It is our goal to invest in the lives of future generations so that they will pray for and love the Jewish people and the nation of Israel.
Please pray that this survey will provide information that will enable us to reach the millennial generation with Scriptural truth! We want to skillfully inspire and train thousands of future pastors to be effective evangelists among the Jewish people. Chosen People Ministries cannot reach the Jewish people across the globe without the partnership of our brothers and sisters in Christ —many of whom will follow the example of their leaders.
The survey will cost $40,000 and we have underwritten the conference costs of $60,000. We are praying that God will provide $100,000 for this entire venture. Would you help us by participating in the conference, praying for the event, watching the messages online, and by giving generously through your sacrificial gifts to make this vision a reality?
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Your brother in the Messiah,
Dr. Mitch Glaser
President of Chosen People Ministries
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