“We Have Never Heard Anything like This Before.”
T and M are a darling newlywed couple who recently stayed at our guesthouse in New Zealand. What caught our staff there by surprise was the couple’s situation: she was religious, and he was not! She would not drive or do work on the Sabbath, and he would do everything for her! One of our missionary families had the couple over for a “cuppa” (cup of tea) the Friday evening they arrived to get to know them.
“So, why are you going to the North Island?” they asked our missionary couple. “We are going to share Passover Seders with several churches there,” they replied. The look on T and M’s faces was priceless. “What?! We don’t understand. Did you say, ‘Passover’?” “Yes! We said ‘Passover’!” For the next hour, they had a beautiful conversation about the gospel in the Passover and how they, as Gentile believers, believe Jesus (Yeshua) is the Lamb of God and Israel’s Messiah. T and M could not believe it; they had many questions, and two more hours flew by until it was time for bed.
Since he was not religious, M offered to drive our staff to the airport the next morning. In the car, he said, “We stayed up another two hours talking about everything you shared with us. We have never heard anything like this before.” Before they went into the airport, they gave M a New Testament as well as an Isaiah 53 Explained book in Hebrew. Please pray the Lord continues to draw T and M and for them to find Jesus!
Senior Israeli Military Officer Hears Gospel—in Japan!
At our hostel in Japan, our staff receive many messages from Israeli travelers who have participated in our activities. They describe their experience with our staff as exciting and thought-provoking, leaving them feeling blessed and grateful for the love they received. Recently, a senior officer from the Israel Defense Forces named Amos* visited the hostel and expressed interest in attending our celebrations for Israel’s Memorial Day (Yom HaZikaron) and Independence Day (Yom Ha’atzmaut). Our staff was upfront about being Messianic Jewish believers, but he still gladly accepted the invitation and even offered to speak. At the event, Amos described his experiences in the military, and our staff was able to proclaim the gospel to him and other Israelis who participated in the event. Pray for Amos and his wife Sarah,* for the gospel seeds our staff sowed in their hearts to lead to a transformative experience, and for them to know Yeshua (Jesus) as their Messiah. Pray also for our volunteers in Japan to continue to be a beacon of light for the Jewish people in Japan. May God strengthen and encourage them in their work.
Swimming for the Gospel—“What Makes You Different?”
This summer, one of our missionaries in Israel will participate in her fifth race across a portion of the Sea of Galilee. She will swim 4.2 kilometers (2.6 miles) with 500 other women. Together they will raise funds for a home for disabled adults. This event is one of the highlights of our missionary’s year. She has trained hard over the last couple of months, and says it is so beautiful to swim on the Galilee at 6 am when the sea is calm, and flocks of birds fly overhead. Best of all, the swim brings wonderful opportunities to speak about the Lord! Most of the women at the swim race are Orthodox Jewish women. Therefore, our missionary stands out. They often ask what makes her different. She takes the time to talk about her faith and why she is different.