Sign the petition to our leaders!
Antisemitism is on the rise now more than ever before and we need to stand together, unified to put a stop to the spread of antisemitism before it is too late, and these acts continue…
We cannot remain silent while these acts of aggression continue—it is time to take action. Together, we can stand for truth and justice with the Jewish community.
Sign your petition today to put an end to antisemitism in our nation.
A Petition to the Honorable William Barr, United States Attorney General:
We are writing to express our deep concern for the rise of antisemitism in the United States. As Bible-believing Christians, we find this to be especially disturbing, as we believe the Bible, penned by our Jewish spiritual forefathers, forms the very bedrock of the American values we cherish.
Antisemitism is not merely racism, though this would be cause enough for our concerns. Antisemitism also strikes at the very core of our faith and belief that the Jewish people are important to our country, and to God Himself!
We want to see antisemitism stopped internationally, but we need to start with our own backyard!
In the month of December alone, there have been numerous reports of antisemitic attacks:
As a concerned citizen of the United States of America, I will continue to pray for you and your duty to protect all Americans, including Jewish Americans!
Antisemitism is a blight on the reputation of our country as a place for freedom of religion. I am asking you, as one of the leaders of this great nation, to proactively implement procedures and policies to STOP ANTISEMITISM NOW!
As people of faith, we will pray for you and the extraordinarily important job you have in protecting all citizens of the United States of America and, at this time and of particular concern, the largest Jewish community in the world!
As the Scriptures tell us in Psalms 122:6,
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you.”
The Petitioners