Anniversary Gala
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Israel Project
The Jewish homeland is an important focus for the ministry. We operate two Messianic centers, one in Ramat Gan outside Tel Aviv and one in Jerusalem, from which our staff brings the gospel of Jesus to the House of lsrael. Your financial support will provide funding for outreach to Holocaust survivors, discipleship and training programs for tomorrow’ s leaders, and children’s camps. Evangelistic meetings are also held, and opportunities abound to share the good news in an informal social setting through concerts and Sabbath meals.
Support The Israel Project>>
The Evangelistic Media Project
Our digital media campaigns, both in the United States and in Israel, have reached hundreds of thousands of people. More and more people are getting their information at home. Through our evangelistic media projects, Jewish people can discover Jesus in the comfort and privacy of their homes. This also makes it possible to reach the ultra-Orthodox community , who cherish their privacy when they consider the Messiahship of Jesus.
Support The Evangelistic Media Project>>
The Joshua Initiative
Just as Moses mentored Joshua, Chosen People Ministries is committed to training the Messianic leaders of tomorrow through programs such as our Russian Leaders Conference, the House of Living Waters campus program, Muchan (our global young adult training conference), and the growing Charles L. Feinberg Center for Messianic Jewish Studies. We can mentor many more young people if we have the funds!We can bring more students to Brooklyn to study at our Feinberg Center if we are able to provide them with housing scholarships. Your gift can fuel the training of a new generation of workers among the Jewish people.