Jon & Tiffanie Davidsen
serving in Los Angeles, California
Jon Davidsen came to faith in Yeshua (Jesus) in 2005 after many difficult years of being a drug addict and alcoholic. When he came to the point of being homeless and almost losing everything, he turned to God. His wife, Tiffanie, came to faith in 2014. She was very lost and felt a great lack of meaning in life. At that point, she cried out to the Lord in desperation and He radically intervened. After several years living their newly found life as Christians, they met, were married, and called to Jewish missions.
Jon and Tiffanie are passionate about missions to the Jewish people. When they open their Bible, they cannot help but see that it was written by Jews and for Jews. Through prayer and intercession, discipleship, teaching, and preaching, they have been ministering to the Jewish people.
For three years, they lived and worked in Jerusalem. Jon and Tiffanie presently serve in Los Angeles, also known to workers as “Little Jerusalem.” There are 600,000 Jewish people presently living in LA and only two full-time ministry workers among them. Hence, there is an immense need for the gospel to go “. . . to the Jew first” (Romans 1:16) in this area. Together, they reach Jewish people for Messiah at public beaches and colleges in West Los Angeles. Jon also reaches Jewish people online with Messianic Bible studies in which he teaches about the Messiah in the Old Testament. Tiffanie ministers to local Jewish women one on one, prays with them, and shares about their Messiah through the Old Testament.