The future of Israel is predicted in the Bible. There will come a time when “all Israel will be saved” (Romans 11:26; cf. Zechariah 12:9–10), but until this time comes we need your support to bring the gospel to the Jewish people now!
Your generous gift will help us to carry out our mission of praying for, evangelizing, discipling, and serving Jewish people everywhere. As a thank-you gift, we will send you two fantastic books—Messiah in the Passover and Israel, the Church, and the Middle East.
Messiah in the Passover is an invaluable resource to help believers understand this historic feast of Israel and how it relates to the redemption offered through Yeshua. Read it to enhance your own faith and then share it with a Jewish friend who needs to know the Passover Lamb, Yeshua the Messiah!
Israel, the Church, and the Middle East: A Biblical Response to the Current Conflict provides a collection of academic essays responding to the current drift in the evangelical Church toward Supersessionism (Replacement Theology) and anti-Zionism. This resource will help you understand and defend the biblical case for God’s eternal covenant with the Jewish people concerning the land of Israel.