During the holiday season, we traditionally reflect on the past year and enjoy the many festive things around us; lights, foods, and company. Sometimes trying to add holiday fun to our already busy, fast-paced lives can be overwhelming, juggling work, family, school, and so much more. But the holidays are also a great time, as they say, to stop and smell the roses. Whether you celebrate Hanukkah or Christmas, think about all the things you went through this year, and how you have overcome. The fact that you are here right now means that you have persevered, and that is something to be happy about.

Sometimes we misunderstand joy. Joy is not necessarily doing cartwheels, or always having a cheery, bubbly smile on your face.  Joy can also be understood as shalom, the Hebrew word for “peace,” though it also means “wholeness.” Shalom is an inner contentment in spite of our circumstances. Such joy is hard to come by these days, but we believe as long as there is life, there is hope.

How are you feeling? Tired? Anxious? Overwhelmed?

Do you need some joy and shalom in your life?

Take a moment and watch how this person found shalom in his own life: